2019 BOL D’OR

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We look forward to seeing you on 20, 21 and 22 September 2019 on the Paul Ricard circuit for the 83rd edition of the Bol d’Or. On the programme for these 3 days are many activities but also mythical races

  • Bol d’Or: Opening race of the 2019-2020 endurance championship, a total of 24 hours of races and 59 teams that will compete.
  • Bol d’or classic: an event that brings together classic (between 1960 and 1983) and post-classic (from 1984 to 1991) motorcycle models in the same race.
  • Bol d’argent: 3-hour race reserved for amateur drivers driving with roadsters
  • Bronze bowl: 2-hour race for 50 riders aged between 14 and 20 years old, on machines of less than 500m3

Find us in the « Racing Service » area to (re)discover our range of products adapted for motorcycles from 1970 to today! More information on the event on the Bol d’Or official website: www.boldor.com