Brake system troubleshooting guide

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Front wheel
not free
Caliper misalignmentUse spacing washers from the kitCaliperO
Caliper misalignmentCheck the front fork alignment
(After crash)
Stuck pistonUnknown reasonCaliperOOO
Stuck pistonBrake cleaner/Oil on the caliper
or wrong brake fluid
Bent pads or wornReplace the padsPads
Master cylinder closedCheck the lever is in the intial
position (check hand gard) or the
brake light switch thightened too deep
Master cylinder
Master cylinder closedSeals dammaged because
wrong brake fluid
Master cylinderOOO
Too much brake fluid
in the reservoir
Remove some brake fluidMaster cylinder
to bleed
Master cylinder closedCheck the lever is in the intial position
(check hand gard) or the brake light
switch (thightened too deep)
Master cylinder
Master cylinder closedSeals dammaged because wrong
brake fluid
Master cylinderOOO
Master cylinder closedCheck the front fork alignment
(after crash)
Master cylinderOOO
Internal leackageMaster cylinder scratched insideMaster cylinderOO
Internal leackagePrimary or secondary cup dammagedMaster cylinderOOO
Soft leverAir in the brake lineBleedComplete systemOO
Wrong size of master cylinderChoose the size upMaster cylinderOOO
Caliper misalignmentCheck the front fork alignment
(after crash)
Master cylinder
Hard leverWrong size of master cylinderChoose the size downMaster cylinderOOO
Too much brake fluid
in the reservoir
Remove some brake fluidMaster cylinderOO
Master cylinder closedCheck the lever is in the intial position
(check hand gard) or the brake light
switch thightened too deep
Master cylinderOO
Master cylinder closedSeals dammaged because wrong
brake fluid
Master cylinderOOO
Lost pressure or/
and brake fluid
External leackageMaster cylinder scratched insideMaster cylinderOO
External leackagePrimary or secondary cup dammagedMaster cylinderOOO
External leackageCopper washers dammaged Copper washersOO
External leackageLeacky hoseHoseOO
External leackageBrake cleaner/Oil on the caliper
or wrong brake fluid
External leackageUnknown reasonCaliperOOO